
Case Acceptance and Compliance Made Easy

M-Scan is specifically designed to record craniofacial muscle activity during function and resting. This information is invaluable for optimum dental results and creating beautiful dentistry that works with the patient’s unique physiology.

M-Scan incorporates an intuitive display that is extremely fast and easy to interpret compared to conventional electromyography that must be connected to a computer allowing the clinician to compare bilateral muscles quickly and easily for symmetry of function. The M-Scan shows the microvolt levels for each muscle contraction and the different between the left and right sides.

Surface EMG

Surface Electromyography (sEMG) is the only way to measure the activity and reactions of muscles of the head and neck. The clinician can test the patient before treatment, during treatment, and before finalizing treatment.

Education Tool

M-Scan is a patient education tool that can demonstrate the value and efficacy of your appliance. M-Scan can be used easily by Dentists, Hygienists, and Dental Assistants.

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M-Scan Operations Tutorial